Friday, September 17, 2010

Don't always say you are sorry.

Ok, this one isn't directed toward just men.  It applies to everyone.  Why do we over apologize?  We say"I'm sorry" to just about anything.  I am guilty of it as well.  While talking about guilt, do we continually offer these weak apologies because of some sense of guilt or shame that we assume it is our fault?  Is it a sense of feeling weak when some one is dominant over us?

I understand the awkward "I'm sorry" that happens at funerals or during times of disaster.  Sometimes we don't know anything better to say at those awful moments.

It is these little apologies that are said when no blame has been offered up or needs to be acknowledged.  These little apologies weaken the value of genuine contrition that is needed these days.

I hereby vow that I will apologize for what I have done wrong and needs to be made right.  I will not apologize for others and will stop giving out the weak ones that have no real purpose or meaning.

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